Tweak this?

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Tweak this?

Post by LePaul »

Areas near the hole?
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Re: Tweak this?

Post by LePaul »

Well, I have tinkered around and completely stumped why the fill around that hole, where a nut goes, looks so bad?

Let me share my settings. I'm using ColorFabb nGen and everything else came out really good! I just need to find out what that extra step is to make these prints look great!
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Re: Tweak this?

Post by Neotko »

You really need to check the gcode preview. Like, always.

That happens because the perimeters don't let space for infill to 'infill' ... s#featured
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Re: Tweak this?

Post by LePaul »

So what setting do you suggest adjusting?
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Re: Tweak this?

Post by Izzy »

Looking at the part in the photo, it looks like you are using 6 wall thickness and 100% fill,
At a guess from what I have been reading I would try 3 wall thickness and 30% infill.
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Re: Tweak this?

Post by LePaul »

Thanks for the tip!

I will try reducing the wall thickness from 6 to 3 on all three (Top, Bottom and Outline/Perimeter)

The infill is actually 20%
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Re: Tweak this?

Post by LePaul »

I did change the Outline Overlap from 25 to 30. Maybe too much?
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Re: Tweak this?

Post by Neotko »

umm let's not confuse the issues Lepaul. top Bottom outline perimeter. Is all different things

Top and bottom, is the number of solid top layers you want. That doesn't change the amount of perimeters you use. They are two separate things here and on cura.

Perimeters are the amount of lines that you use for a print. Like I did link, I suppose you didn't read it. The more perimeters (or wall lines on cura) you use, for some designs (like the images posted on the link) it makes it harder to actually make a full top layer.

But really, all this is already show on the gcode preview, I don't mind helping, but I have posted this over and over and over, so I fell that you just want a quick help and this must go on both ways, I don't help for hobby, but because I enjoy also learning, but I don't like to just put a recipe like if this was a pharmacy. I'm always up to help, but men, please, I didn't link that just because I have fun, I did explain the options to use and why.

So... Come on men, don't go 'Neotko don't want to help' when you actually don't read the stuff I write and if you want me to help, I'm all in, but please this is a two way street, you also must read what I write or next time I will ofc not help men, I do this because I like to help not because I have to.


Something you must play with, and depends on each model and there's no magic recipe for this. Is to play with
Captura de pantalla 2017-03-26 a las 0.50.16.png
This option, in advanced, forces S3D to put more infill between the little gaps that can happen. As I will say over and over to anyone, you must actually SEE the gcode preview before printing and if you can, make a screen shot and see the print after, to review how it shows what it actually prints. This is the most important and interesting thing about S3D. New Cura preview is ok for 'looks' but it actually doesn't show the most important information. For example travel moves are very hard to actually see and there's no 'by line' gcode preview, so is actually a crap (cura 2.5 beta).

If you play with that option you will see that the infill overlap can go futher in, without increasing it too much that could make the print go to crap.

So again. Check the gcode preview, LEARN TO LOVE IT. And never print without seeing what happens and how the layers look.
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Re: Tweak this?

Post by LePaul »


I am on my laptop now and can finally view the link. The Ultimaker site is super slow on a good day, worse on mobile for me.

I do read what you post and with 10 sub menus in S3D, it can be hard to follow along.

Others are trying to achieve the success you have had!

The preview with 3, 4, 5 and 6 Perimeter shows some interesting things. Less seems better, with this part? Also, each has that little spec of orange (infill) in there.

Perimeter 4
Perimeter 5
Perimeter 6
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Re: Tweak this?

Post by LePaul »

And if I set Perimeter to 1, that annoying orange infill spec is gone!
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Re: Tweak this?

Post by Neotko »

Wow I forgot you guys with 2.85 need to use coast at end to remove blobs ummm

Try to disable 'coast at end' That will make that hidden print areas to show (they are visible with travel moves but is harder to actually debug and view clearly). (BUT ONLY DISABLE FOR PREVIEWS) it's a good option to use for large objects and will remove much blobs and z scars.

Clearly there's very little room for the nut perimeter and infill to go in.

I would try.. to increase 'Allow gab fill when necessary' from 10% to 50% (is the maximum). And maybe, from what your images show 2 perimeters seems the max BUT the best option is to actually make the lines thinner. With your extruder umo or um2 ones highresolution from gears, you should be able to print 0.33 Extrusion Width (first page of the settings) This will make a thinner lines, allowing more gaps for infill to cover all.

So play with this 3 things (not necessary the 3 at the same time), you need to find the right spot to make it perfect.
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Re: Tweak this?

Post by LePaul »

Well for fun...

Perimeters 2
Allow Perimeter Overlap 50
Extrusion Width .33
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Re: Tweak this?

Post by Neotko »

The thing is that playing with extrusion width, since it actually extrudes less mm3, is a nice element also to play with since it does extrude less, so, less heat necessary for the speed, so, you can improve the print. But ofc, it takes more time to print something with 0.33 than 0.4

Yea for that image, seems 0.35 should be ok for 2 perimeters. Perimeter overlap, depends on the infill overlap, both are connected (even when they are on separate tabs) so one affects the other
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Re: Tweak this?

Post by LePaul »

So is that orange spot we've seen part of coasting?

I upped to 0.35 and am going to give this print a try

Being nGen, I think the temp should be good.
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Re: Tweak this?

Post by LePaul »

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