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Vexing Problem: Warped Print

Posted: January 20th, 2022, 10:17 am
by lothian
Longer LK4 Pro (
Fusion360 and Cura v4.11

Each time I print the object below--70 x 32 x 8mm block with a few channels--the thing comes out warped as shown in the images. I've generated plenty of objects with this printer, and I've never experienced this problem before.
I lowered/raised printer's plate temp; I increased/decreased Quality/Infill settings in Cura; I moved the print location on the plate--same result every time. I'm stumped.

This is the extent of my troubleshooting knowledge, and now I reach out out for suggestions leading to a solution.

Re: Vexing Problem: Warped Print

Posted: January 20th, 2022, 10:43 am
by Lez0
It looks like it's lifting off the build plate, try putting a skirt around the part to hold it to the build plate better.

Re: Vexing Problem: Warped Print

Posted: January 20th, 2022, 2:14 pm
by Roberts_Clif
Have never seen PLA warp like this before.
Could you post your basic Cura settings. Temp, Print Speed, Layer Height, infill percentage ect.

Re: Vexing Problem: Warped Print

Posted: January 21st, 2022, 3:26 am
by Lez0
I've had this happen, mind you it could have been due to a slightly blocked nozzle.