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? Extruder or other issue

Posted: December 4th, 2020, 1:54 pm
by Evan
I have a Geeetech A20m, and had difficulty with temperature irregularity after a power failure. I assumed it was a thermistor--and replaced it--with difficulty getting completed prints due to failure to advance filament partway through a print. The extruder/stepper motor would click part way through and the print would fail.

I replaced the hotend entirely--new hotend, tip, thermister. Fans on the sides are functional. has 2-in, 1-out hotend. i have tried both of the extruders, and both continue to have difficulty. i had previously replaced the extruders on the stepper motors. There is no obvious issue with the extruders by observation. I thought perhaps it was an issue with obstruction of flow from the print surface, but had previously set z-offset for the new printhead as well as have a 3d touch to calibrate distance of z-axis. Tried reducing the Z-offset a little, still same problem.

i just now used Pronterface to have the extruder deliver 180 mm of material (in mid-air) and it partway through again had decreased delivery and stopped delivering filament. There would have been no occlusion of the tip with the print surface as it was in mid-air. i print with PLA at 210 degrees. I had earlier tried a print at 225 but still had the same issue occur.

I have only had the same PLA in the hotend since switching it out, so there should be no risk of plugged head, and also probed the tip without any obstruction noted (probe passed easily in 0.4 mm opening).

What am I missing???

Re: ? Extruder or other issue

Posted: December 5th, 2020, 1:09 pm
by LePaul
I've pondered a few ideas in reading this...

Have you replaced the bowden tubing? That's the only thing from extruder to hot end you didn't mention

You didn't mention esteps....are those correct? If you aren't feeding enough material, that could explain some things

I have a Geeetech A10 and it was a hot mess from out of the box. The control knob didn't work and the lead screw was bent. Clearly no quality control at that factory. Just slap it together and box it up. Had someone powered it on, the control knob issue would have been pretty obvious. Not to mention a test print with a Z axis that's bound up!

But...anyways, there's two things I would try right off since you've already replaced some hardware

Re: ? Extruder or other issue

Posted: December 6th, 2020, 8:32 am
by Evan
Thank you! i had recalibrated the esteps when I put on a new extruder, but it turns out that the bowden tubing was the problem. I had assembled it when cold and pushed as far is it would go when I put it together. i found that when the hotend was hot, that each of the tubes advanced an additional 1/4 inch plus... and now it works again!

Thank you very much for the help!

Re: ? Extruder or other issue

Posted: December 6th, 2020, 11:34 pm
by LePaul
You're welcome and I'm glad to be able to help you get back to printing!