Adding a PEO - PET stainless steel buildplate

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3D Printer(s): Hictop 3DP11/12

Adding a PEO - PET stainless steel buildplate

Post by Roberts_Clif »

I have purchased some IdeaFormer 256x268mm Anycubic Kobra 3 Compatible 3D Printer Build Plate, Spring Steel PEI PET PEN PER Heat bed Sheet, Unpowered Replacement Part for Enhanced Adhesion & Durability an wanted to post the results for these sheets.

Other than human error the results were fine. started with a 3D Printer that I had not used for two years and did not now how far off it was.
Actually the tuning time was greatly exaggerated, as I did not remimber putting a brand new 1mm nozzle on this printer and never using it.
I thought that the print bed was not allowing the filament to stick them it was so thin that it could not stick.

After replacing the nozzle adding this over sized bed to my Hictop 3DP12 with a couple bed clips.
I adjusted the bed level using Marlin Z-Probe Wizard and the print stuck the first time perfectly.

IdeaFormer 256x268mm Anycubic Kobra 3 Compatible 3D Printer Build Plate, Spring Steel
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