Magnitic Bed install

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Magnitic Bed install

Post by Roberts_Clif »

I have installed the first flexible magnetic stainless steel bed.
The steel plates have much more sensitivity to my proximity sensor making them detect this plate 2mm before the Heated aluminum bed.

Along with the fact the my y axis belt clamp was extremely loose caused me some problems.
1st the proximity sensor detected the bed outside the area I could address with z-offset adjustment in marlin.
This made me manually adjust the sensor closer to the bed for the z-offset too function correctly.

2nd the loose Y-axis belt clamp allowed layer shift to occur, this made me think the stainless steel build plate was shifting on magnetic bed.

It was a very learn ed experience especially after not 3D Printing for 2.5 years, it was almost like learning the entire 3D Printer from the beginning.

After 5 failed spool holder misprints finally have a single working magnetic bed 3D printer.
Three to go.
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